The Best Way To Get Groceries At Snowshoe Resort

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Name your top 5 favorite things about Snowshoe. I'll bet one of them is the remoteness of the Mountain. And that, while amazing, has a few, tiny drawbacks. Like, how at least one of my kids throws up every. single. time. we drive down the Mountain.

Or how there's not much for cell service. I both love and hate that. (Mostly love though, tbh.)

But being an hour away from most things can be tough when you just realized you forgot to bring cheese for the lasagna you were going to make tonight for the Logger's Run house full of 14 of your favorite people and tonight is your night to cook for everyone and Jessica says she can't switch nights with you because she still has to thaw her tofu and that takes 24 hours. 

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But once again, there are some awesome secrets that ole Cheat Mountain holds and I'm here to let you in on them. And so, I present:

The Five Best Ways To Get Groceries At Snowshoe

5. Wildcat Grocery

This is number 5 because, yeah, most everyone knows about it, and it's pretty regular. But it can be super helpful if you're in a pinch and need something. Check the Snowshoe website for current hours, depending on season.  

4. Dollar General

This guy is new in town and not even on Google Maps at the time of writing this. It's at the bottom of the mountain, across the street from Almost Heaven Smokehouse. They had way more groceries than I was expecting; lots of convenience foods but also some more specific things and a wide range of general staples. When I went, they did not have any fresh produce at all, but they are still going to be helpful in a pinch. Expect about a 30 minute roundtrip time frame, including shopping. 

3. Neighbors

I know this weirds some people out, but neighbors can be a fantastic place to get than random spice your forgot to bring. Or two eggs because Lauren's son accidentally dropped the egg carton this morning and you needed those for the cake tonight. In my experience, people have been so helpful and excited to share what they have, and to meet others who share their love of Snowshoe. 

2. Snowshoe Grocery Delivery Service

Game. Changer.  We've been using this service consistantly for over a year now and absolutely love it. It's simple: you place a pickup order at Walmart in Elkins, pay SGDS a small fee, and they pick it up and deliver it right to your door. They have detailed instructions on their site if you have more questions. This is also helpful if you need other items, like shaving cream, oil for your truck, or baby diapers. 

1. Linwood Community Market

I know, I know, no big surprise that this is number one, because, well, it's my favorite (I wrote about that here). The market is open most days and features lots of local items. It's located inside the Linwood Library at the bottom of the mountain, and is even closer than the Dollar General (less than 10 minutes from The Village).

Okay, that's it! We hope you enjoy all the mountain restaurants you want, but now you have some great options for if you want to dine at home too!